Our Youth. Our Future.

Skilling Queenslanders for Work funds not-for-profit community-based organisations to deliver projects that respond to the needs of local jobseekers and employment opportunities in their area. ‘Community Work Skills’ projects offer tailored assistance to disadvantaged Queenslanders to gain nationally recognised skills and vocational qualifications up to a certificate III level.

If you want to start your first career or to change career paths, this ‘Our Youth Our Future’ Community Work Skills project, run by the Fiji Community Association Far North Queensland (FCAFNQ) may be your pathway to entering the drilling or mining industry in our region or across Australia.

This program includes support provided by the FCAFNQ:
  • No charge to participants – government funds the training and student fees.
  • Personal training and support plan developed with you to assist in achieving your career goals.
  • 2 day camp to enhance team work and communication skills, planning and organisation, and self
  • management activities with local community members sharing their industry and cultural
  • knowledge and experience.
  • Mentoring and developing job-seeking and transition skills to successfully gain employment.
  • Driving sessions for learner drivers to help them get their P licences for employment.
Nationally Accredited Training and Assessment delivered by Australasian Drilling Institute Pty Ltd (RTO # 31440) for:
  • RII20915 – Certificate II in Drilling Operations
  • RIISS00034 Surface Coal Mining Safety Skill Set

Get individual learning support during the training which includes practical hands-on experience on Australasian Drilling Institute’s drill rig.

Industry Qualifications: RII20915 Certificate II in Drilling Operations is the entry level qualification for Driller’s Assistants positions. RIISS00034 Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set is the generic induction required by many mining and exploration sites covering safety, risks and emergency response.
To be eligible you must be:
  • 15 Years of age or older
  • Un-enrolled from school
  • Permanently living in Queensland
  • An Australian citizen or permanent resident (includes humanitarian entrant), temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency, or a New Zealand citizen.
To Register your Expression of Interest please click the following button:
Being a disadvantaged job-seeker may include:
  • Ineligibility for Australian Government employment services or assistance, or
  • Requirement of complementary services because of significant barriers to learning and employment, or
  • Having accessed Australian government services for more than six months and remained unemployed